A workshop entitled \ Using the DISC Leading Patterns Analysis Method to improve the organization's effectiveness and efficiency


Within the activities of the College of Administration and Economics at Bayan University, the teaching was presented by Dr. Ahmed Hikmat Shaker, a workshop entitled ((Using the Method of Analysis of Leadership Styles DISC in Improving the Organization's Effectiveness and Efficiency)) on Monday 11/11/2019 at the University Library where this workshop was attended by the President of Bayan University (Prof. Dr. Fouad Mawloud) Sharif), the assistant president of the university (Dr. Bengeen Masih Odel), deans and heads of all departments, and a large number of teachers from all departments.

The workshop aimed to shed light on the advantages of using the DISC leadership style improvement method to improve the organization's effectiveness and efficiency, by introducing this method in a practical way through the participants in the workshop filling out the characteristics form of this method, and then reaching the results of the leadership analysis for the participants through Sequential application steps taken during the workshop.

The workshop instructor, Dr. Ahmed Hikmat then clarified the dimensions and characteristics of each of the leadership styles that appeared for each participant in the workshop, and then showed how to use all these leadership styles in achieving the two administrative rules that represent the main key in achieving effectiveness and efficiency in the organization, namely:

Do the right thing in a proper way

To put the right person in the right place



The importance of the workshop emerged as it contributed to providing the participants with extensive information about the method of leading patterns analysis (DISC), and enabled them in practice to acquire the skill of using this method in exploring their leadership styles, and in analyzing the patterns of others who work in the various administrative and academic levels in the organization.

The workshop also bridged knowledge between a set of concepts related to the organization, its leadership, performance, effectiveness and efficiency.

Workshop themes

The definition of a set of management concepts related to effectiveness and efficiency in the organization.

Provide an overview of world famous methods in the field of personality patterns analysis.

Explain the method of analyzing the personality styles DISC, its specifications and how to use it.

Participants fill out the DISC style template.

Explain the results of the analysis reached by the participants.

Explain the details of each of the leadership styles reached by the participants



Participants discuss their personal practical experiences about the professional roles they perform and the applicability of the leadership styles they have found with the needs of the tasks they perform.

At the end of the workshop, the participants expressed their admiration for the efficacy of the DISC style in providing them with practical knowledge and skills in exploring their personal leadership styles, and in analyzing the patterns of others.

The participants also discussed their findings with the workshop instructor, and suggested that the use of this method be expanded in other areas inside and outside the university.


د. أحمد حكمت شاكر

تدريسي بقسم إدارة الأعمال بكلية الإدارة والاقتصاد

جامعة بيان

الاختصاص الدقيق: تطوير المنظمات Organizational Development

الايميل: ahmad.shaker@bnu.edu.iq