A Worksho about ( How to Design an Engage-able and Interactive Presentation Using Google Slides, Jam Boards, Pear Deck and How to Upload it to Google Classroom.)

May 20, 3:00 pm

The workshop will be conducted online via Google Hangout Meet

This workshop aims to familiarize the attendees with the most recent tools which are used in E-Learning process in our digital world, and allow the participants to actively engage with these subjects in order to get a better understanding which will eventually reflect on the E-Learning process 

Workshop presenters :- Suhad Jihad Al Dulaimy

Assistant lecturer in Bayan University( Computer Science Department)

Google Hangout Meet


The workshop will be conducted online via Google Hangout Meet

To contact the e-mail


You can also find the link of the meeting on the BNU Website as below:
