A Seminar about \ Water War: The Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is a model

April 5, 12:00 pm

 Nawruz Hall

Formerly known as the Millennium Dam, it is located in the Benishangul region, 15 km (9 miles) east of the Ethiopian-Sudanese border. Work began on it in 2011 and is under construction. The main purpose of its construction is to generate electric power and compensate for the energy shortage in Ethiopia and to export electricity to countries. Neighboring. The dam is expected to be the largest hydro-power station with a value of 6.45 gigawatts in Africa and the seventh largest in the world for neighboring countries. The reservoir starts in 2020 and takes 5 to 15 years depending on the hydro-logical conditions during the filling period and the agreements between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan.



 Nawruz Hall

seminar presenters:   :-  



I am a lecturer in college of Law and International Relations Bayan University in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. I have bachelor degree in English language Baghdad University and master degree in political science / International Relations Almustansiriya University .My professional file Education as follows; Cihan University 2009-2010 and 2018-2020, Lebanese French university2001, Knowledge university2013, Diyala university2010-2014, Kirkuk University 2014-2016. My interests in international order, international conventions, Political terms. I have published research and scientific conference activities


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We are also pleased to inform you that the invitation is to all the esteemed administrative and teaching staff of Bayan University and all the students, employees and distinguished guests from outside the university.