Bayan University organized a scientific seminar on Monday 28/10/2019
In the presence of both the deans of the university faculties and heads of departments in all disciplines and a number of students, Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Idris Ramadan started the seminar by presenting the concept of consumer and knowledge of being a modern concept and since its appearance in the beginning of the twentieth century this concept developed and jurisprudential trends narrowed from it and others that expanded from it and varied positions of state laws In terms of adopting this or that direction.
The most important axes of the seminar:
The concept of the consumer began to appear.
The narrow concept of the consumer. The consumer is defined as the person who buys a commodity for his personal need, meaning that the consumer concept and the consumption contract are limited to
(Human - sales contract - movables - goods without services - satiated goods for the personal needs of the consumer)
The broad concept of the consumer
The consumer is / every natural or legal person who obtains a movable, real estate or service to satisfy his personal or family needs or to satisfy a need specific to the activity of the professional but does not fall within his professional competence.
As the concept of the consumer starting to expand and included
The natural and legal person
Opposition contracts
Contracting, real estate and services
Satisfy the personal and family needs of the consumer and satisfy the special needs of the activity of the professional outside his professional competence.
The concept of consumer in some Iraqi, Egyptian and English laws.
The objective of the seminar: The seminar provided the most important and recent information on the developments that occurred on the concept of the consumer from its appearance until the moment and also clarified the concept of some laws related to the consumer (according to the date of its issuance).
The importance of the seminar: Dr. Mohamed has deepened the importance of the fact that we are all consumers in one way or another, and this means acquiring the quality of the consumer a set of rights for those who acquire that quality and a set of obligations on him.