Bayan University cooperated with the eye Hospital

wast eyeA healthy mind in a healthy body .....
 In the presence of the President of the University (Prof. Dr. Fouad Mawlid Sharif), the Director of the University Administration (Mr. Abdul Rahman Amin Saleh), the Deputy Director of the Department (Mr. Jamal Al-Hadithi) and a large number of students A medical staff from the west eye hospital  On Sunday, 2\ 16 \2020

Bayan University table tennis tournament

The second level of Bayan University table tennis tournamentTEANAS was held inside the university walls, where 3 second-level matches ended.
Congratulations to the winners and good luck to the rest of the students.





دورة تعليم اللغة الكوردية

اقامت جامعة بيان دورة تدريبية مجانية في اللغة الكوردية لجميع التدريسيين  kurوالاداريين وعدد من طلبة الجامعة, الذين يواجهون صعوبه في النطق وتعلم اللغة الكوردية و بأشراف الأستاذ المحترم ( عبد الرحمن امين صالح) حيث تقدم هذه الدورة يومي الأحد والاربعاء  بمعدل ساعة ونصف في اليوم الواحد.


acquaintance party

trIn the presence of both Mr. (Rizgar Ali Harki, member of branch 16, Mr. Jeger Muhammad, official of the Office of Universities and Non-Governmental Institutes of the Kurdistan Student Union, and Mr.

American Consul at Bayan University

usaBayan University on Tuesday 28/1/220 received the General Consulate of the United States of America (Steve Fagin) with each of his companions, Mr. (Adrian J. Pratt), the Director of Public Relations, and Mr. (Riving Mizory), the Higher Education Advisor, who were welcomed by Chairman of the Board of Trustees (Dr. Abdul Salam Muhammad Saeed Al Hayali), Vice President of Board of Trustees (Dr.