We would like to inform Computer Science students for (Coding speed competition) which will be held on Saturday 28-1-2023(12 pm. ) in Nawroz Hall
We would like to inform Computer Science students for (Coding speed competition) which will be held on Saturday 28-1-2023(12 pm. ) in Nawroz Hall
On 21/1/2023 , The Department of Business Administration held a national workshop entitled” The role of Psychology in scientific thinking in the Workplace”
The workshop was presented by assistant lecturer Aso Kurdo Blbas, Head of Business Administration department and University Quality Assurance Committee Reporter.
The workshop themes contained the following points:
1. Neuroscientific psychology
On Wednesday 21/12/2022 a scientific trip was organized for the students of the Department of Computer Science by Head of Department (Mrs. Sazan Kamal Sulaiman) to Kurdistan 24 channel in order to familiarize students with the important role of technology and the advanced programs and systems used in this channel.
The Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics , Bayan University conducted an international workshop entitled” Engineers and Poetry” on 18th Des 2022.
The workshop administrated by Assis.Lecturer Aso Kurdo Bilbas head of department of business administration, College of Administration and Economics, Bayan University.
The Department of Business Administration in College of Administration and Economic at Bayan University will conduct the international workshop entitled “ Engineers and Poetry” on Tomorrow Sundy,18,Dec, 2022(1:00 p.m) in library hall at Bayan University
English department in the college of education at bayan university conducted a workshop about the modern education skills entitled ( 21th century education skills) on 12-12-2022 at 12 o'clock by Mr. Botan Amin assistant lecturer and head of quality assurance in the English department and Miss.
English department in the college of education at bayan university will organize a workshop on Monday 12-12-2022 ( 12 p.m.) intiltled ( 21 century education skills) in Newroz hall at bayan university
the workshop will be presented by:
1- Botan Amin, assistant lecturer and head of QA assurance in the English department at bayan university.
On Wednesday 12/7/2022, our university (Bayan University - Erbil) organized an International Scientific Conference on building scientific and human capabilities and prospects for their development under the slogan (Integration is the basis of knowledge) at the Sheraton Hotel (Erbil International Hotel).
The Department of Business Administration Conduct the International Workshop entitled” Achieving sustainable development through nanotechnology in light of the challenges of technology” on 3rd Sept 2022. The workshop was opened by Mr. Aso Kurdo Ahmed, Head Department of business administration, College of Administration and Economics, Bayan University.