Dr.Mohammad Ahmad Ramadan
Vice-President, University of Bayan
Erbil, Iraq Kurdistan Region
World Health Day (WHD), held every year on 7 April, marks the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 and each year focuses on a specific public health concern. In addition to focusing on the journey to achieving Health For All, which is this year's (2023) theme, WHO will observe its 75th anniversary under the theme 75 years of improving public health.
Firstly it is important to define the idioms which will be used in this article:
1-Health, according to the World Health Organization, is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity".A variety of definitions have been used for different purposes over time. Health can be promoted by encouraging healthful activities, such as regular physical exercise and adequate sleep,and by reducing or avoiding unhealthful activities or situations, such as smoking or excessive stress.
2-World Health Organization(WHO): In 1948, countries of the world came together and founded WHO to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable – so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health and well-being. WHO’s 75th anniversary year is an opportunity to look back at public health successes that have improved quality of life during the last seven decades. It is also an opportunity to motivate action to tackle the health challenges of today and tomorrow.
3-Health for all is a call to revindicate the right to health as a fundamental human right. It is also a call to reaffirm the commitment to primary health care (PHC) as the cornerstone of sustainable and resilient health systems that move towards universal coverage and universal access to health (Universal Health), as well as towards the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) (1–3). The PHC approach has been and continues to be a central element in health system strengthening and transformation initiatives, promoting the participation of all government and societal instances and combining three components: multisectoral policies and measures, the capacity for action and decision-making of individuals and communities; and integrated health services centered on primary care and the renewed Essential Public Health Functions (EPHF).
4-Health Equity is a fundamental component of social justice that indicates the absence of avoidable, unfair or remediable differences among groups of people due to their social, economic, demographic or geographic circumstances.
5-health coverage means that all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship. It covers the full continuum of essential health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.
Every country has a different path to achieving UHC and deciding what to cover based on the needs of their people and the resources at hand. However the importance of access to health services and information as a basic human right is universal.
To make health for all a reality, all people must have access to high quality services for their health and the health of their families and communities. To do so, skilled health workers providing quality, people-centred care; and policy-makers committed to investing in universal health coverage are essential.
Universal health coverage requires strong, people-centred primary health care. Good health systems are rooted in the communities they serve. They focus not only on preventing and treating disease and illness, but also on helping to improve well-being and quality of life.
1-Investing in strong health systems is critical for a prosperous society. Increasing public financing for health and lowering out-of-pocket health costs saves lives while advancing the Sustainable Development Goals beyond health.
2-Strong health systems are needed to deliver both universal health coverage and emergency preparedness.
3-Healthy living environments can transform people’s lives.
4-Universal health coverage is a political and social choice. We need strong political leadership and public demand.
5-WHO recommends increases in “health taxes” on tobacco, alcohol, added sugar, and fossil fuels. These taxes bring in much needed public revenues.
6-Between 2023-2030 there is a projected shortfall of 10 million health workers worldwide. Investment in education and job creation for the health sector is needed.
1-Health For All envisions that all people have good health for a fulfilling life in a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world.
2-The right to health is a basic human right. Everyone must have access to the health services they need when and where they need them without financial hardship.
3- 30% of the global population is not able to access essential health services.
4-Almost two billion people face catastrophic or impoverishing health spending, with significant inequalities affecting those in the most vulnerable settings.
5-Universal health coverage (UHC) offers financial protection and access to quality essential services, lifts people out of poverty, promotes the well-being of families and communities, protects against public health crises, and moves us toward #HealthForAll.
6-To make health for all a reality, we need: individuals and communities who have access to high quality health services so that they can take care of their own health and that of their families; skilled health workers providing quality, people-centred care; and policy-makers committed to investing in universal health coverage.
7-Evidence shows that health systems powered by a primary health care (PHC) approach is the most effective and cost-effective way to bring services for health and well-being closer to people.
8-COVID-19 set back every country’s journey to #HealthForAll.
9-COVID-19 and other health emergencies, overlapping humanitarian and climate crises, economic constraints, and war, have made every country's journey to #HealthForAll more urgent. Now is the time for leaders to take action to meet their universal health coverage commitments and for civil society to hold leaders accountable.
10-Progress needs to be accelerated if health-related SDGs are to be met.
The aim of the celebration of the World Health Day is to create awareness of the importance of health for everybody and to focus on working towards a global health and health for all can’t be achieved without the healthy justice and the universal healthy coverage.
This occasion is a good opportunity to remember that:
- The health is the wealth.
- Everyone need health for without health everything is nothing.
- The healthy mind is in the healthy body.
- The health is a crown on the heads of healthy people.
- Just the sick person know the importance of health .
- We often lose health when we are busy accumulating wealth.
- Never ever mess with your health or else you will miss it.
- A healthy person is certainly the wealthiest person in the world.
يحتفل العالم في ٧/٤/٢٠٢٣ بيوم الصحة العالمي تحت شعار ( الصحة للجميع) ، كما تحتفل منظمة الصحة العالمية ( WHO ) بالذكرى ٧٥ لتأسيسها تحت شعار ( ٧٥ سنة من تحسين الصحة العامة).إستُهِلَّ المقال بالتعريف بالمصطلحات والعبارات المستعملة فيه وهي : الصحة، منظمة الصحة العالمية، الصحة للجميع، العدالة الصحية، التغطية الصحية.
ثم تم تناول الرسائل الاساسية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية الى الدول بمناسبة يوم الصحة العالمي وهي إكتساء الاستثمار في نظم صحية قوية اهمية بالغة لتحقيق مجتمع مزدهر وان ثمة حاجة الى نظم صحية قوية لتنفيذ التغطية الصحية الشاملة التي اضحت خياراً سياسياً واجتماعياً والتوصية بزيادة الضرائب الصحية على التبغ والكحول والسكر المضاف والوقود الاحفوري وان ثمة حاجة الى الاستثمار في التعليم الصحي. كما تم تناول الرسائل الاساسية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية الى الافراد بمناسبة يوم الصحة العالمي وهي ان مفهوم الصحة للجميع يتوخى تمتع جميع الناس بصحة جيدة لكي يعيشوا حياة مرضية في عالم ينعم بالسلام والازدهار والاستدامة وان الحق في الصحة حق اساسي من حقوق الانسان ويجب ان يتاح للجميع بما يحتاجون اليه من الخدمات الصحية متى وأينما احتاجوا اليها دون التعرض لضائقة مالية وان ٣٠٪ من سكان العالم غير قادرين على الحصول على الخدمات الصحية الاساسية حيث ثمة نحو ملياري شخص يواجهون إنفاقاً باهضاً او مفقراً وأن توفر التغطية الصحية الشاملة فرص الحصول على خدمات صحية اساسية جيدة وتحمي من ازمات الصحة العامة من اجل تحقيق شعار الصحة للجميع الذي لن يصبح حقيقة واقعة الا بحصول الافراد على خدمات صحية عالية الجودة وبوجود كادر صحي ماهر وواضعي سياسات ملتزمين بالاستثمار في التغطية الصحية الشاملة فيما كانت جائحة كوڤيد ١٩ معرقلة لتحقيق شعار الصحة للجميع.وتم في الخاتمة توضيح ان الغاية من الاحتفال بيوم الصحة العالمي هو خلق وعي بأهمية الصحة لكل فرد والتركيز على العمل بإتجاه الصحة العالمية وان تحقيق الصحة للجميع لن يتم الا على اساس العدالة الصحية والتغطية الصحية الشاملة وان الاحتفال بهذه المناسبة فرصة جيدة للتذكير بأن الصحة هي الثروة فالشخص الصحي هو الاغنى في العالم وبأن كل شخص بحاجة الى الصحة لأنه بدون الصحة يغدو كل شئ لا شئ وان العقل السليم في الجسم السليم والصحة تاج على رؤوس الاصحاء وان المريض وحده العارف بأهمية الصحة واننا نفقد، في الغالب، الصحة عندما ننهمك في جمع الثروة.