Signing a memorandum of understanding between our university and "25" twenty-five Jordanian universities

 Signing a memorandum of understanding between our university and "25" twenty-five Jordanian universities

Within the activities of the second day of the Higher Education Forum in the Kurdistan Region and Jordan, which began its work yesterday, Sunday 5/5/2024 and takes (4) four days, and in the presence of the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Region, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Hussein Ke Lari, Head of the Supervision and Quality Assurance Authority in the Ministry and representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, His Excellency Prof. Dr. Mamoun Muhammad Al-Debai, Secretary General of the Ministry and head of the visiting Jordanian delegation

Today, Monday (6/5/2024), a comprehensive memorandum of understanding was signed between our university and other public and private universities in the Kurdistan Region within Erbil Governorate on the one hand and (25) Jordanian universities on the other hand, and the memorandum of understanding was signed by our university by His Excellency Assistant Professor Dr. Ezzedine Ahmed Aziz, President of the University, and signed by other public and private Kurdistan universities located in Erbil Governorate, the presidents of those universities, while it was signed on the other side, by the presidents of Jordanian universities. The signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding was attended by the Assistant President of the University, Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Ramadan, and some officials in public and private universities located in Erbil Governorate, while it was attended from the Jordanian side, Mr. Fouad Al-Majali, Consul General of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Erbil, and on this occasion, the shields of our university were gifted by the President of the University to the representatives of the two ministries, and His Excellency exchanged the gift of the university's shields with some of the presidents of Jordanian universities.