Bayan University welcomes the first year students

bnu Bayan University on Tuesday (1/12/2020) organized ceremonies to receive first-stage students and in the presence of the respected (Dr. Fouad Mouloud Sharif / Rector) and respected (Dr. Benkin Masihou Odel/ Assistant Rector for Student Affairs) and respected (Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Ramadan / Assistant Rector for Student Affairs), Mr. Respected Director of Department and all department heads and university students who welcomed them and received them the warmest reception. Later, the President of the University gave a welcoming speech to all the students and wished them success and success in the university career and the achievement of the certificate
The scientific that suits them through our university, and then take the heads of the departments each section separately to introduce them to their department places and the rest of the university facilities and scientific and recreational places.

In conclusion, the students of the first stage thanked all the staff who organized the reception ceremonies for them