Signing a contract to establish a new electronic system for the university

Signing a contract to establish a new electronic system for the university



In order to establish a comprehensive electronic administration in our university, electronically and digitize all the details of work in it, today, Monday (13/5/2024), at the office of the esteemed Board of Trustees in the university building, the signing ceremony between our university and the company specialized in establishing electronic systems on the contract for establishing an electronic system for the university is the latest and most efficient in the world in the world of electronic systems.


The signing ceremony was attended by His Excellency Dr. Abdul Salam Mohammed Saeed Al-Hayali, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, His Excellency Dr. Osama Mohammed Saeed Al-Hayali, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Saeed Group, His Excellency Assistant Professor Dr. Ezzedine Ahmed Aziz, President of the University, Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Ramadan, Assistant President of the University, Chairman and members of the Electronic System Committee at the university and a number of Employees of Eurosoft.


ويتضمن هذا النظام الالكتروني المتكامل والمترابط جميع اقسام الجامعة ووحداتها من أقسام أكاديمية وادارة وحسابات وتسجيل ولجنة امتحانية ومكتبة وضمان الجودة والموارد البشرية والمخازن وغيرها ، و سيساهم في تسريع و نتظيم الاعمال اليومية ويجعلها مؤتمتة ، ويشمل النظام ايضا تطبيق موبايل للاستخدام من قبل الطلبة.