نظمت جامعة بيان سيمنار تحت عنوان ( التدريب كأحد وظائف إدارة الموارد البشرية )

bnuBayan University organized a seminar under the title (Training as a Function of Human Resources Management)

Under the patronage of the President of Bayan University (Prof. Fuad Mawlood Sharoof), Bayan University organized a seminar under the title (Training as one of the functions of human resources management) and in the presence of the President of the University (Prof. Prof. Fuad Mawlood Sharoof) and Mr. Assistant President The university for administrative affairs and students (Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Ramadan) and Assistant Professor
Bengin Masih Awdel, Vice-president for scientific affairs The seminar was organized before the teaching (A - Karukh Muhammad) Training is not only important for any institution, it is vital for the institution to remain capable To compete in the labor market, it needs to develop its employees and provide them with new methods and techniques which can be done through relevant training. Human resource management is one of the most important functions of management because it focuses on the human element, which is the most valuable resource for management and the most influential in productivity at all. The management and development of human resources is considered a cornerstone in most organizations, as it aims to enhance organizational capabilities, and enable companies to attract and qualify the necessary competencies capable of coping with current and future challenges. Human resources can contribute strongly to achieving goals and profit for the organization. Human resource management, in short, means the optimal use of the available and expected human resources. On the efficiency, capabilities, and experiences of this human element and its enthusiasm for work depends on the efficiency of the organization and its success in achieving its goals. Therefore, management scholars are interested in establishing principles and foundations that help make the most of each individual in the organization through human resource management. These foundations start from planning, selection, training, incentives, evaluation and everything related to the human element and through the historical development of human resources management, from its concept as a workforce to a broader and more comprehensive concept of it, which is human resources. Some definitions related to it can be given. in the Human Resources Department.

In conclusion, a certificate of thanks and appreciation was presented to the teacher at Bayan University (A - Karukh Muhammad) by the president of the university, wishing everyone success in providing more scientific workshops that are in the interest of society and the scientific field and befitting of Bayan University

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