E-Governance in Focus

4th BNU workshopThe 4th BNU Workshop will debate on the concepts of Electronic Governance or E-Governance. Over the past few decades, there has been a rapid proliferation of Electronic Governance or E-Governance for Development projects. E-governance is defined as the ICT-based networks of services and administration in New Public Management settings including both public and private actors.

Financial System in the Federal States

Sixth WorkshopBayan University will hold its 6th workshop on the Financial System in the Federal States. The 6th Workshop of BNU will take place on 10th Feb 2019. The financial system is one of the most important issues in the federal systems because of its great impact in regulating the economic power of federal governments. It is noted that the federal system is based on the distribution of power between the centre and regional states which may vary the mechanism of distribution from one state to another and this difference is reflected on the financial and economic areas between the federal and local governments.

Internet of Things (IoT) with Arduino

7th BNU WorkshopBayan University (BNU) is pleased to announce its 7th Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) with Arduino which will take place early Feb 2019. Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to emerge as a huge business opportunity for the Kurdistan Regional IT industry in the years ahead. The IoT is the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. In other words, The Internet of things is the network of devices such as vehicles, and home appliances that contain electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which allows these things to connect, interact and exchange data. Nowadays there are many Android and server-based applications. The measured value of sensors (e.g. temperature sensor, motion sensor, accelerometer sensor etc.) will be shown on a GUI or web server or android application through wireless communication and the device will be controlled automatically.

The Art of Presentation I and II

8th and 9th BNU WorkshopThe BNU is introducing two series of the workshop which is working on the concepts of "The Art of Presentation I and II". When it comes to creating and delivering a great presentation most of us have no idea where to start.

Good Governance

10th BNU WorkshopThe 10th Workshop at BNU will bring to road table the concept of Good Governance which is considered one of the most important and sensitive topics in the governmental and non-governmental bodies because it includes many administrative, economic, social and legal aspects in the country.

Reverse marketing and its impact on rationalising customer behaviour

11th Workshop of BNUBNU pleased to announce its 11th Workshop on a new and important topic of Reverse marketing. In view of the developments facing the world of rapid changes in all aspects. These changes make the organisations seek and adapt to their external environment in order to reach the focused target markets. This will ensure their future survival and make the customer the main focus. The success of all activities and operations of these organisations are directly depending on the customer's position towards service they receive from these organisations.

Lawyers’ Ethics and Professional Responsibilities, Obstacles and Improvements

12th BNU WorkshopThe continued existence of a free and democratic society depends upon recognition of the concept that justice is based upon the rule of law grounded in respect for the dignity of the individual and the capacity of the individual through the reason for enlightened self-government. Law so grounded makes justice possible, for only through such law does the dignity of the individual attain respect and protection. Without it, individual rights become subject to unrestrained power, respect for the law is destroyed, and rational self-government is impossible.

A training and Workshop Session for Students of DLAW

DLAWThe academics of College of Law and International Relations (CLIN) at Bayan University (BNU), in cooperation with the Investigator of the Rule of Law, organized a series of applied lectures in the field of criminal procedure law.

BNU in the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Cihan University

Mrs. Alaa Badia Baban (MSc), Head of Computer Science Department, Bayan University (BNU), participated in the 3rd International Scientific Conference on Communications and Computer Science (COCOS'19) at the Cihan University, held on Monday 29/4/2019.

COCOS'19 at the conference hall of Cihan University - Erbil and in the presence of the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Regional Government and Prof. Dr. Amjad Saber Al-Dalawi (President of the University) and Dr. Nozad Bajger And Dr. Naomi Salem and the heads of the university departments. The conference was attended by a group of researchers from different universities and dozens of academic figures and researchers from inside and outside Iraq.